

对所有的实际3D骨骼应用情况,我们分两种情况,第一,骨骼与被控对象位置重和的情况。第二,骨骼与被控对象分离的情况。第一种情况对应着three.js系统中skinnedMesh.bindMode === 'attached', 第二种情况对应skinnedMesh.bindMode === 'detached'。看下图示例:


  1. 把受控对象的位置直接调整到骨骼所在的位置,然后只需要运行skinnedMesh.bind(skeleton)绑定起来即可。或者先把受控对象初始位置摆好,然后再配置好骨骼的位置来匹配这些受控对象。
  2. 先把骨骼摆好,然后每一个受控对象通过配置一个bindMatrix,将受控对象移动到骨骼的相应位置。此时,需要skinnedMesh.bind(skeleton, bindMatrix)


skinnedMesh.bind(skeleton, M)
skinnedMesh.bindMode = 'detached'





export default /* glsl */`     
  vec4 skinVertex = bindMatrix * vec4( transformed, 1.0 );
  vec4 skinned = vec4( 0.0 );
  skinned += boneMatX * skinVertex * skinWeight.x;
  skinned += boneMatY * skinVertex * skinWeight.y;
  skinned += boneMatZ * skinVertex * skinWeight.z;
  skinned += boneMatW * skinVertex * skinWeight.w;
  transformed = ( bindMatrixInverse * skinned ).xyz;


其中蓝色是骨骼bone,红点是没有通过bindMatrix转移的点,绿点是通过bindMatrix转移后的点。我们假设bone, 做了一个相对自己所在的点的旋转运动,并转过了alpha个角度。那么,按照图示,此运动对红点所的影响向量为a,对绿点影响向量为b。注意了,这里判断bone对几何点的影响方式可以看成这样:1.首先把几何点看成与bone的本地坐标系的相对位置是固定不变的。2. 当bone坐标系发生移动后,几何点做相同的运动。这里的相同是指相对全局坐标系的相同运动。例如bone绕自己转了alpha个角度,那么相对于全局坐标系,bone是做了绕bone所在坐标点做了alpha角度的转动。很显然,a和b是不一样的,bindMatrix直接影响了骨骼运动对几何顶点的影响值。


  1. 将所有顶点按照bindMatrix的矩阵数据做变化。
  2. 接着,顶点数据按照每个骨骼在全局坐标系下相对初始化是的变化矩阵做相应的权值变化。
  3. 随后,顶点按照bindMatrixInverse数据做变化。
  4. 最后顶点按照其自身SkinnedMesh的matrixWorld做变化



  1. 将所有顶点按照bindMatrix的矩阵数据做变化。
  2. 接着,顶点数据按照每个骨骼在全局坐标系下相对初始化是的变化矩阵做相应的权值变化。



  1. 所有顶点做一个受bone权值影响的变化,相应bone对顶点的影响向量由顶点经过bindMatrix位置变化后,相对bone的位置所决定。
  2. 顶点按照其自身SkinnedMesh的matrixWorld做变化




为了实现骨骼3D模型的系统,three.js提供了3个对象来达到目的 ———SkinnedMesh, Bone, Skeleton。对于整个骨骼体系而言,这3个对象并不是平等的关系,他们是从属关系。其中Skeleton在整个3D骨骼体系中起到一个总体的架构作用,无论是SkinnedMesh还是Bone都可以看作是Skeleton的组成部分。在three.js中,他们以不同的形式来实现与Skeleton的关系。


这里,很有意思的一点。Skeleton是通过记录那些Bone的初始矩阵的逆来记录它们的初始位置。为何如此?假设每个Bone的初始矩阵为m0,m0的逆为m0-1,Bone在经过一系列变化之后的矩阵为m1,而这一系列的变化矩阵为mt,则: mt*m0 = m1,那么mt = m1 * m0-1。如此我们调整完每一个Bone时,都能轻松的通过m0-1和矩阵的当前的数据m1来求得Bone的转移矩阵。

那么,拿到了转移矩阵后要怎么办?这就要提到SkinnedMesh了。不同于一般的Mesh,最重要的一点,SkinnedMesh的geometry中除了position, normal 等这些常见属性外,它还有skinIndex和skinWeight这两个属性。



export default /* glsl */`     
  vec4 skinVertex = bindMatrix * vec4( transformed, 1.0 );
  vec4 skinned = vec4( 0.0 );
  skinned += boneMatX * skinVertex * skinWeight.x;
  skinned += boneMatY * skinVertex * skinWeight.y;
  skinned += boneMatZ * skinVertex * skinWeight.z;
  skinned += boneMatW * skinVertex * skinWeight.w;
  transformed = ( bindMatrixInverse * skinned ).xyz;

export default /* glsl */`     
  mat4 boneMatX = getBoneMatrix( skinIndex.x );            
  mat4 boneMatY = getBoneMatrix( skinIndex.y );
  mat4 boneMatZ = getBoneMatrix( skinIndex.z );
  mat4 boneMatW = getBoneMatrix( skinIndex.w );    











   不同于实体建模的表面网格(mesh)建模被广泛应用在艺术品,游戏角色等3D模型的构建之中。而在mesh建模发展的历史过程中,最惹人瞩目的技术恐怕非“曲面细分”(subdivision)算法莫属。而曲面细分算法的各种方案中又以Catmull-Clark方案最为应用广泛。致力于研究曲面细分算法的研发和优化的工程师们在业界满载着荣誉。例如在曲面细分算法上做出突出贡献的Jos Stam就曾经获得过SGI公司颁发的"计算机图形奖",并两次获得“奥斯卡科技成果奖”(这也侧面说明曲面细分算法对电影事业的重大影响)。


How exactly does a 3D application decide how to subdivide a control mesh? Well, there are a few different subdivision schemes out there, but the most widely used is Catmull-Clark subdivision. Since the original paper by Ed Catmull and Jim Clark, there have been a number of improvements to the original scheme, in particular dealing with crease and boundary edges. This means that although an application might say that it uses Catmull-Clark subdivision, you’ll probably see slightly different results, particularly in regard to edge weights and boundaries.


The original rules for how to subdivide a control mesh are actually fairly simple. The paper describes the mathematics behind the rules for meshes with quads only, and then goes on to generalize this without proof for meshes with arbitrary polygons. I’m going to go through a very simple example here to show what happens when a mesh gets subdivided. I’m going to be concentrating solely on non-boundary sections of the mesh for simplicity. Also, the example uses a 2D mesh, but again this is only for simplicity, and the principles expand to 3D without change.

There are four basic steps to subdividing a mesh of control-points:

1. Add a new point to each face, called the face-point.
2. Add a new point to each edge, called the edge-point.
3. Move the control-point to another position, called the vertex-point.
4. Connect the new points.

Easy, right? The only question left to answer is, what are the rules for adding and moving these points? Well, like I wrote earlier, this really depends on who implemented it, but I’m going to show the original Catmull-Clark rules using screenshots from Modo. This doesn’t mean that these are the rules that Modo applies, but it should be fairly close.

Here’s the example mesh I’m going to be using:

No prizes for guessing which face we’re going to be looking at. I’ve made it a little bit skewed because that makes things more interesting. If you’re wondering about the double edges around the boundary, I’m going to be writing about those at a later date, so be patient! For now I need them to make the boundary hold shape, but they can be safely ignored for the purposes of this article.


Firstly, we need to insert a face point, but where? Well this is easy, it just needs to go at the average position of all the control points for the face:

I’ve drawn red dots approximately where each new face-point will go. The big dot is obviously the face-point for the highlighted face. The location for each dot is simply the sum of all the positions of the control-points in that face, divided by the number of control-points.


Now we need to add edge-points. Because we’re not dealing with weighted, crease or boundary edges, this is also fairly simple. For each edge, we take the average of the two control points on either side of the edge, and the face-points of the touching faces.

Here’s an example for one edge-point, in blue, where the control points affecting its position are pink, and face-points are red. Note that the edge points don’t necessarily lie on the original edge!

For the highlighted face only, I’ve drawn all the roughly where each new edge-point will go in blue:


This step is a little bit more complicated, but very interesting. We’re going to see how we place the vertex-points from the original control points, and why they get placed there. This time, we use a weighted average to determine where the vertex-point will be placed. A weighted average is just a normal average, except you allow some values to have greater influence on the final result than others.

Before I begin with the details of this step, I need to define a term that you may have heard used in regards to subdivision surfaces – valence. The valence of a point is simply the number of edges that connect to that point. In the example mesh, you can see that all of the control points have a valence of 4.
Alright, I’m going to dive into some math here, but I’m also going to explain what the math actually means in real terms, so don’t be put off!

The new vertex-point is placed at:

(Q/n) + (2R/n) + (S(n-3)/n)

where n is the valence, Q is the average of the surrounding face points, R is the average of all surround edge midpoints, and S is the control point.

When you break this down, it’s actually fairly simple. Looking at our example, our control-points have a valence of 4, which means n = 4. Applying this to the formula, we now get:

(Q/4) + (R/2) + (S/4)

Much simpler! What does this mean though? Well, it says that a quarter of the weighting for the vertex-point comes from the average of surrounding face-points, half of it comes from the surrounding edge midpoints, and the last quarter comes from the original control-point.

If we look at the top left control point in the highlighted face, Q is the average of the surrounding face-points, the red dots:

R is the average of the surrounding edge midpoints, the yellow dots. Note that the yellow dots represent the middle of the edge (just the average of the two end points) which is a little bit different from the edge-points we inserted above because they don’t factor in the nearby face-points.

S is just the original control-point, the pink dot:

Below is my rough approximation of where all these averages come out, using the same color scheme as before. So the yellow dot is the average of all the yellow dots above, and the red dot is the average of all the red dots above.

Now all we do is take the weighted average of these points. So remember that the red dot accounts for a quarter, the yellow dot accounts for half, and the pink dot accounts for the final quarter. So the final resting place for the vertex-point should be somewhere near the yellow dot, slightly toward the pink dot, roughly where the pink dot is below:

So now I hope you can see why the control point is going to get pulled down and to the right. All the surrounding points just get averaged together and weighted to pull the vertex around. This means that if a control-point is next to a huge face, and three small faces, the huge face is going to pull that vertex towards it much more that the small faces do.

One other thing you can see from this is that if the mesh is split into regular faces, then the control point won’t move at all because the average of all the points will be the same as the original control point. The pull from each face-point and edge midpoint gets canceled out by a matching point on the other side:


The final step is just to connect all the points. Confusingly, Modo has two ways to subdivide a mesh which actually return slightly different results. I don’t know why this is, or how the subdivision schemes differ, but they are close enough for all intents and purposes to call the same. For clarity, I’m using a screenshot from Modo where I have subdivided using the SDS subdivide command. For the highlighted face only, I’ve drawn the new face-point in red, the new edge-points in blue, and the moved vertex-points in pink:

Below is an overlay of the original control mesh for reference. As expected, you can see that the top left control-point gets pulled to the right. The same process is applied to all faces, resulting in four times as many quads as we had previously.


If you look at the formula for moving the control-point to its new location, you can see that not only are the immediate neighbor points used, so are the all the rest of the points in the adjoining faces. How much any single one of these surrounding points affects the control-point isn’t very clear from the original formula. This information is actually really easy to find out just by substituting in the surrounding points into the original formula.

I’m making the assumption from hereon out that all of the surrounding faces are quads to make things easier on myself. Also, I’m not going to write down each step of the expansion here since it got pretty big, but at the end, I got the following weights:

Control-point weight = (4n-7) / 4n
Edge-neighbor weight = 3 / 2n^2
Face-neighbor weight = 1 / 4n^2

I’m using the term edge-neighbor to denote a neighboring point sharing the same edge as the control point, and face-neighbor as a neighbor that only shares the same face as the control-point. In the picture below, the edge-neighbors are cyan, and the face neighbors are yellow. Note that for quads, you have exactly n edge-neighbors, and n face-neighbors.

Applying this formula to various different valences, you get the following weights for a single point of the given type:

Edge Neighbor
Face Neighbor

What does this mean? If we look at a the valence-4 row, you can see that if you move a face-neighbor, that’s going to affect the position of the vertex-point by 1/64th of however much you move it. So if you move it 64 cm on the x-axis, then the resulting vertex-point will move 1 cm in the same direction. I tested this scenario out in Modo, and it seems to match up very closely.

Clearly, the edge-neighbors are weighted more heavily than the face-neighbors, and the control-point itself always the most influence on the final vertex-point location. Remember though, each point represents a different thing (control-point, edge-neighbor, face-neighbor, nothing) depending on which particular face is getting subdivided!

It is interesting to note what happens as the valence gets larger and larger. The control-point influence tends towards 1, while all the neighboring points tend to zero. The reverse is also true, where at valence-4, the control-point weight is about 0.56, at valence-3 it is only 0.41 which means it is getting pulled around by its neighbors a lot more.



原始图像 265*512, mipmap中分辨率: [128*256, 64*128, 32*64, 16*32, 8*16, 4*8,2*4,1*2]


mipmap的在3d渲染中主要带来两个优点: 提升渲染速度和减少锯齿。同一个3D对象的纹理在渲染时可以根据其与摄像头的距离调整纹理的分辨率。这可以很有效的减少渲染的时间。另外,由于远距离对象的纹理分辨率降低,这也减少了锯齿的发生。





颜色纹理 (colormap)


向量纹理 和凹凸纹理 (normal map and bump map)



位移纹理 (displacement map)


反射纹理 (specular map or reflection map)


光泽度(粗糙度)纹理 (gloss or roughness)


金属度纹理 (metalness)


环境遮挡纹理 (ao map)


光线纹理(light map)

光线纹理也主要是反应物体表面的阴影情况,只是有时候与ao map不同的是,光线纹理用来描述表达物体在一个具体场景下,物体表面光线的阴影情况。而ao map反应的是当前场景下受环境光影响的阴影情况。对边ao map和light map的烘培图,我们应该就能体会到它们之间的差异。

环境纹理 (env map)








If your scene is static, only update the shadow map when something changes, rather than every frame

Use a CameraHelper to visualize the shadow camera’s viewing frustum

Remember that point light shadows are more expensive than other shadow types since they must render six times (once in each direction), compared with a single time for DirectionalLight and SpotLight shadows

While we’re on the topic of PointLight shadows, note that the CameraHelper only visualizes one out of six of the shadow directions when used to visualize point light shadows. It’s still useful, but you’ll need to use your imagination for the other 5 directions


threejs的渲染顺序有时候会对场景成像效果产生严重的影响。这一切的源头都来自于opengl的一种深度优化的工作原理。opengl会对需要渲染的对象做深度探测,也就是所谓的depthTest。当它发现需要渲染的部分被距离摄像头更近的对象遮挡住的时候,就会不再对其进行渲染。这种机制,本能的减少了gpu的工作量,优化了渲染性能。为了更好的利用这个特性,threejs会对需要渲染的非透明对象进行一次按距离摄像头从近到远的排序(近远的判断是根据object的boundingSphere属性)。如此,距离摄像头越近的对象就会越被先渲染,距离摄像头越远的对象会被后渲染,这样就能更快发现后面的对象的哪些个点会被遮住,从而避免对该点的渲染计算。然而,对于透明对象(transparent === true),threejs会按照距离摄像头从远到近的顺序来进行渲染,这样就能避免距离摄像头远的透明物体被因为depthTest的机制而取消渲染。


那么问题来了,如果两个对象距离摄像头的距离一样呢?这确实就是很多图像显示的罪恶之源。threejs就会不知道先渲染哪个,这会导致偶发性的z-fighting。在一些个别或者任何的摄像头位置,一些像素点显示的颜色不断的在两个对象间切换,甚至是有些对象出现可视与不可视之间不断的跳变。像这种情况,通常的解决方法,有三种。第一,关闭某个对象的depthTest, 让它能无视渲染顺序,从而确保其会被渲染,而不会因为depthTest的存在而变得不可见。第二,关闭某个对象的depthWrite,让该对象的的数据不会被写入gpu的深度缓存中,从而,其他对象在做depthTest的时候,就不会发现它挡在了前面。第三,人为的设定对象的渲染顺序。每个threejs对象都会有一个renderOrder属性,我们可以人为地配置对象A的renderOrder小于B的renderOrder,这样,就算A按照前文的机制因该渲染在B之后,但由于renderOrder的原因,能而改变此规则,让A渲染在B之前。





